Dominik Oelfin · Portfolio


Evaluation of Anticipated User Experience

Topic of my Bachelor Thesis in Digital Media (Bachelor of Arts)

User experience is not just about what happens during and after the use of a product - it also includes the expectations users have before they even start using it. To create a product that meets those expectations, it's important to understand what users consider important. There are various methods to measure actual user experience, but only a few that allow us to explore what users expect before they use a product. In my bachelor thesis I developed a standardized method for this purpose, supported by a web tool for efficient data collection and analysis. By analyzing the results, we can gain insights into the user expectations of several UX factors, allowing us to design a product that meets and exceeds those expectations or compare existing products with these expectations to identify areas of possible optimization.

Parts of the bachelor thesis were pusblished in the following paper: Oelfin, D. & Schrepp, M., (2021). Evaluation of Anticipated User Experience. In: Wienrich, C., Wintersberger, P. & Weyers, B. (editors), Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. DOI: 10.18420/muc2021-mci-ws01-363

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Step 1: Results of a user expectations survey

Step 2: Combination of the results of a user expectation and a user experience survey

UI of the developed evaluation application, displaying an evaluation project overview.

UI of the developed evaluation application, displaying the user expectation survey.

UI of the developed evaluation application, displaying the results of an evaluation.

Organizational Integration of UX Contributors in Agile Software Development

Topic of my Master Thesis in Informations Systems (Master of Science)

Coming soon.